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Key Stage 2 SATs revision tools

Use the handy documents and links to help you prepare for the Key Stage 2 SATs. Ask your teacher for help using any of these resources. 

Knowledge Organiser

Boost your understanding of key maths facts and terminology, then test yourself using the Knowledge Organiser Quiz:

My Mini Maths

Click on the logo below to visit the Year 6 section of My Mini Maths. This amazing website has a collection of fluency and reasoning maths questions for nearly all objectives. Anything you will be asked about in the SATs is here. There are also handy YouTube videos to talk you through some of the question types if you find yourself struggling.

My Mini Maths Logo

Maths with a Mouse

maths with a mouse

Maths with a Mouse is a fun but very useful website and Youtube channel. There are many areas of this website which are useful but the Satsy McSatsface tab is the most applicable to SATS revision. The areas of mathematics are broken down and within each section there are explanations, videos, games and more to help you  learn and revise. 

Ten for Ten Booklets

The Ten for Ten revision booklets are designed to be completed in short, 10-minute sessions over the course of ten days in the Easter Holidays (when the SATs are just around the corner). You can complete them any time and, once finished, mark your answers to see where you might need extra support from adults in school. There is a booklet for Working Towards, Expected and Greater Depth so you can target your revision based on your previous test scores and boost your knowledge!

Arithmetic Practice

Practice makes a huge difference when working on your arithmetic skills. The spreadsheet below is designed just like the SATs Arithmetic paper with questions in the same style. Each time you open the spreadsheet, the questions change. This allows you to use it over and over again so you can really familiarise yourself with how to answer the questions as well as imrpoving on your speed and accuracy. MathsBot.com is a link to an Arithmetic test  with questions in the style of the SATS which marks the questions for you (except for the mark for working out when completing long multiplication and long division). You can use this to target questions you are struggling with.



This free website is loaded with high quality resources which children can use at home. There are SATs questions which are arranged by topic, worksheets, workbooks, codebreakers, games and quizzes. Make sure you are only look at the SATs or KS2 material and not GCSE level maths! Click on the logo below to access this fantastic website.

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