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Early Years Foundation Stage Leader


Miss Bingley

Miss Bingley is an experienced teacher and leader and has worked at Cross Lane for six years. She has taught in Key Stage One and Early Years Foundation Stage and is passionate about creating a high-quality environment for children to learn and develop. She is the Early Years Foundation Leader and also leads and manages reading across school.

The Early Years curriculum at Cross Lane is a bespoke programme of study linked to themes that prepare learners for the next stage of learning through exploring themes that are both teacher-led and led by the children's interests. 

As a Senior Leader, Miss Bingley is always learning, reading the latest educational research to inform her own practice and to develop others. She is an Early Career Teacher Mentor and regularly attends training to further her expertise in this role.

'4R' visual learning behaviours

We teach children to achieve well in each learning area through our ‘4R’ visual learning behaviours:

  • Reflectiveness
  • Resourcefulness
  • Resilience
  • Relationships

These four behaviours are underpinned by the Characteristics of Effective Learning; Playing and Exploring (engagement), Active Learning  (motivation) Creating and Thinking Critically (thinking).

Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

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