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Computing Leader

Computing is led by Mr Crawshaw, one of our Year 6 teachers at Cross Lane and also the maths leader in school. He is passionate about giving children the skills to use information technology with confidence, as these skills are increasingly important for modern life and employment.

As leader of computing, Mr Crawshaw aims to embed technology throughout all subjects and allow pupils to have hands-on experience using a variety of hardware and software. He is passionate about ensuring all three areas of the computing curriculum, Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science, are comprehensively covered.

At Cross Lane, we use Purple Mash as our computing scheme of work. This is supported by lessons from Project Evolve and Pol-Ed (an education resource created by West Yorkshire Police for Years 1-13), covering the PSHE Association programme of study. These three schemes combined contribute to the school's Safeguarding Curriculum which ensures that online safety is a regular aspect of teaching in computing.


Computing Intent, Implementation & Impact

Computing intent 1Computing intent 2

Computing Overview

Computing overview 1Computing overview 2
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