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Wellbeing tools to support your child

Please see the range of services that Calderdale Council offer to support the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people, below:​

You can access these resources by scanning the QR code or alternatively, visit their website.

Internet Matters have produced a comprehensive range of wellbeing apps to support the emotional wellbeing of children. This list is highly recommended and can be accessed here:

Wellbeing apps guide to support children | Internet Matters

Wellbeing Tools

Sometimes, we need a little extra help to look after our emotional health and wellbeing. Below, you will find several resources and articles to support you in these times.

The NHS have a mental health app library here: https://www.nhs.uk/apps-library/category/mental-health/

Calderdale Council have published a ‘Top Ten Tips for looking after your mental health and wellbeing during the Coronavirus pandemic’. You can read it here.

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