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Music Intent, Implementation & Impact


Cross Lane Music Curriculum

In line with our whole school curriculum, our music curriculum follows a two-year cycle. Music is carefully planned and considered alongside the core topics studied.

Our bespoke Cross Lane Music Curriculum is written for each phase: KS1, LKS2, UKS2. EYFS follow the new EYFS Framework, incorporating music into provision.

Model Music Curriculum

Mrs Agus


Mrs Agus has recently become the music leader at Cross Lane following in the footsteps of Miss Hamilton who, with her background in secondary music teaching, has developed our bespoke curriculum. Our music curriculum has been developed very recently in line with the government’s Model Music Curriculum, published in March this year (see below). In addition to our school curriculum, children in Lower Key Stage Two also receive whole class musical instrument lessons. In Year 3, children are taught to play the recorder and in Year 4, clarinet. Singing is an important aspect of school life at Cross Lane and we enjoyed participating in ‘remote’ singing events throughout the year during the pandemic.

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